Provides 6 types of phytoplankton ranging in size from1 – 30µm.
Ideally-sized for many soft corals, clams, sponges, tunicates, tube worms, bryozoans,
larval crustaceans, and juvenile fishes.
Formulated to provide over 200-million phytoplankton cells per ml.
Does not require refrigeration.
Supplemented with a proprietary amino acid to aid in coloration of invertebrates.
Formulated by a marine scientist.
Brightwell Aquatics PhytōChrōm is a concentrated suspension of six different species of marine algae ranging in size from 1 – 30µm and having an extremely diverse nutritional profile, rich in a number of fatty acids including the omega-3 fatty acids EPA, ARA, and DHA, as well as in chlorophyll, carotenoid pigments, vitamins, minerals, and several important amino acids. Of particular interest are omega-3 fatty acids and pigments, for these substances have been shown to provide tremendous benefit to the overall health and coloration of filter feeding and planktivorous organisms.
The algae in PhytōChrōmfall within three size classes of plankton: picoplankton (0.2 – 2.0µm), nanoplankton (2.0 – 20.0µm), and microplankton (20.0 – 200.0µm). They are the proper size for feeding many species of soft corals (particularly those with short tentacles), as well as clams and other bivalves, sponges, tunicates (sea squirts), plumed worms (Christmas tree worms, feather dusters, etc.), bryozoans, larval invertebrates such as those of many crustaceans and bivalves, and juvenile fishes.
PhytōChrōm may be used in conjunction with other planktonic suspensions to provide a complete range of sizes to filter-feeding and planktivorous organisms.