Designed to be used in marine and hard freshwater aquariums with a pH of 7.5 or over
Utilizes NanoIntelex Technology to create an enhanced material with vast surface area for colonization by beneficial nitrifying bacteria, resulting in rapid and efficient conversion of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate.
Providing over 71,000 square feet per liter, it provides the highest colonizable surface area to volume ratio of synthetic or natural biological filtration media available anywhere in the world.
Higher efficiency relative to conventional media results in smaller space requirements to achieve equivalent nitrification.
May be employed to rapidly decrease ammonia and nitrite concentrations in even the most heavily-stocked aquatic systems.
May be used in conjunction with Xport NO3 Cubes and Xport PO4 Cubes
Read all instructions before use. Use about 2 to 4 XPort Bio Cubes for every 10 U.S. gallons ( 38 L ) of system capacity, more for heavy bio loads. Rinse material well with aquarium water or purified tap waterto remove any dust. For superior results, seed the material using only the specific bacteria product that you are using in the aquarium. If using MicrōBacter Start XLM, use one capful to seed (add balance of bacteria directly to the aquarium). If using FlorinBacter7, MicrōBacter7 or MicrōBacterCLEAN add full recommended dose. Place XPort Bio Cubes in a plastic container, filling it with aquarium water, and then adding the bacterial product, based on the size of your aquarium, to that container. Allow to stand overnight and then add the seeded XPort Bio Cubes to your system. Discard the soak water. It is recommended that you use sponge, fine filter floss or other mechanical filtration ahead of XPort Bio Cubes to prevent clogging with organic material. For maximum results, also provide a good carbon source for growing bacteria, such as Brightwell® Katalyst bio pellets or liquid Reef BioFuel or FlorinAxis as appropriate for your aquarium, as directed on their label. For maximum nitrification, place in an area of good flow with good oxygenation.